Have your system check as often as monthly but no longer than quarterly. This will help cut down on ongoing leaks or unseen problems. Using a licensed contractor is the best way to ensure you are getting the latest products and following the most up to date rules and regulations.
Proper landscape planning is a must when trying to conserve water. Using plantings that are native and drought tolerant that require the same amounts of water to sustain is a great way to start. Mulch in your bed areas will help retain water around the root ball of your plants.
There are numerous moisture control products on the market these days. Even you soil that you purchase at the box stores say on the bag "moisture control". The longer we can keep water in our soils the less we will use. These products help with doing just that.
Mulch is a great addition to your landscape to help with moisture retention. There are many mulches on the market. Cedar, hardwoods, dyed etc. We like to use a good composted mulch. Not only does it help with water retention but it also adds nutrients back into the soil. you want mulch in your beds to be between 3 & 4 inches deep. This will also help protect the root back in the winter time after the temperatures drop.